Open-source vs Proprietary HRM Software

August 25, 2021

Open-source vs Proprietary HRM Software

Choosing the right HRM software can be a daunting task, especially when trying to decide between open-source and proprietary options. In this blog post, we’ll explain the differences between the two and help you understand which one is best for your company.

What is Open-source HRM Software?

The term “open-source” refers to software that is made freely available to the public with its source code shared with a license. It means that anyone can download, use, modify, and distribute the software without the need to pay for it. Open-source software is developed independently, which means it is often more personal and social.

What is Proprietary HRM Software?

Proprietary HRM Software is the opposite of open-source, exactly what it sounds like; the software is privately owned by a company that licenses it to users under specific terms and conditions. This means that the source code is usually hidden, and the license provides minimal rights to users.

Now that we understand the difference, let’s dive into the pros and cons of each.

Open-source HRM Software:


  • Cost-effective: Since open-source software is free, it can save a company a considerable amount of money.
  • Community support: Open-source software communities have active users who can help with any issues that arise.
  • Flexibility: Open-source HRM software is often more customizable than proprietary options.


  • Limited customer support: Open-source software may lack customer support, which could create issues for a company when trying to fix glitches or bugs.
  • Less intuitive design: Open-source software can have a steeper learning curve than a proprietary option that was created with an intuitive interface.
  • Security: Open-source software may have more security vulnerabilities than proprietary software.

Proprietary HRM Software:


  • Customer support: Proprietary software companies often have extensive customer support options for their software.
  • Higher security: Proprietary software companies typically have higher security standards, reducing the chance of security breaches.
  • Easy to use: Proprietary software is designed with intuitive interfaces that require little to no learning curve.


  • Costly: Proprietary software options typically require licensing fees, which can add up to significant expenses for a company.
  • Less flexible: Proprietary software is often less customizable than open-source options.
  • Limited community support: As proprietary software is owned by a company; therefore, it is less likely to have an active community around the software.


So which one is better? Well, that depends entirely on your needs. If you are looking for a more cost-effective solution, open-source HRM software may be the way to go. But if you require more comprehensive customer support and security features, proprietary HRM software may be a better option.

Open-source and proprietary HRM software both have their benefits and drawbacks. What matters most is that you make an informed decision based on your individual company’s needs.


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